Coming out of the Red corner, weighing in at around 200-210 lbs, this titan of terror was given both a gift and curse at birth. Upon conception, his mother was attacked by a vampire, cursing both her and her offspring. When he was born, he carried this curse until he met his friend and mentor, Whistler, who took him in, raised him, and trained him to hunt the dwellers of the night. His name is one that makes vampires across the world quiver in fear. To them, he is known as "The Daywalker", but to us, he is...
His feats of strength include:
-- superhuman speed and agility
-- superhuman strength
-- invulnerability to sunlight, garlic, and other vampiric weaknesses like silver
-- regeneration
His weaknesses include:
-- constantly battles feral urges, needing constantly to inject formula to keep it at bay
-- his mother is also the queen of the vampires, further putting him at odds with his conscience
Coming out of the blue corner, weighing in at around 210-220 lbs., this Titan of Terror has lived and relived countless lives for countless centuries. Formerly the great Wallachian warlord, Vlad Dracula III, he has since reformed from his evil deeds in undeath. Being half vampire and demon, he was found by one Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, he was recruited by the then established Hellsing organization, hellbent on the extermination of Vampires. To cement his new life, he adopted a new name for himself, one that directly contradicts his former life, and it is...
His feats of strength include:
-- superhuman speed and agility
-- superhuman strength
-- regeneration
-- occult knowledge and power
His weaknesses include:
-- vulnerability to all vampiric weaknesses (sunlight, holy relics, etc.)
-- struggles with conscience at times
-- reckless in combat
Coming out of the Black corner, weighing in at around 210-215 lbs., this Titan of Terror was an outcast in his youth. Being born half-vampire, he has always been on his own, if only with his demonic ally on the palm of his left hand. In this time, he has dedicated himself to avenging the innocents when vampires are involved in their injustice. Since then, he has made his reputation known as a bane to all vampires and an expert hunter. Most know him as the Dunpier, but to keep it even simpler, he is known to us as...
His feats of strength are:
-- superhuman speed and agility
-- superhuman strength
-- regeneration
-- "Left hand" acts as both guide and healer, being able to revive him after death
-- expert hunting skills
His weaknesses include:
-- constantly fighting feral urges
-- loses regen/revivability if "Left hand" is gone
The arena is set and the die has been cast! Cast your votes in the comments to determine which of these hunters shall reign supreme in this first ever Triple-threat match, and who'll become the prey...

I love Blade, but my money is on D.